As Pastor of Rhema Worship Center, I feel the need to share a Rhema Word with my fellow flock as we all deal with this Coronavirus during these troubling times, a time we have not seen before. I want to remind you that, nothing can happen without God’s permission! Whether you believe it or not, this is a fact. God is Sovereign. He is the King. God calls the shots in the universe not Satan or the Coronavirus. Psalm 24:1 says, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it”. Therefore, everything that happens in heaven or on earth is subject to God’s commands. God is not surprised by this Coronavirus (Covid 19) and these troubling times. To be surprised you have to be uncertain about what is coming. You have to be ignorant. God is never ignorant about the future or about anything. He is never uncertain about what is coming. God is in control of all things. Nothing can take place without God permission. Life is not a series of random, freak accidents. Everything that happens is planned and orchestrated by God. So, stop worrying about the Coronavirus because absolutely nothing happens without God’s permission. Even the devil has to seek his permission. God alone has the final say in our lives and the events of the world. Even if we try, no one can manipulate or coerce God to do anything. He permits things to happen because they have a divine purpose. So even when it looks like God is not ruling, He is. When chaos appears, God is still in control even when things start falling apart, God is still in control. God specializes at bringing good out of every bad situation. God can use any circumstance to fulfill His purpose. Search the scriptures and you will see God in action. This world is moving at a very fast past, you don’t have to be a prophet to know that technology has made things happen in the world. We are living a much faster lifestyle than our parents or grandparents did. And the way the world is going, our children will live an even faster lifestyle than we did. And on top of that, we keep trying to do more and more. God can see the past taking a toll on us. Maybe this is God’s way of slowing this World down and bringing us to our knees and remembering what’s really important, Him. God could have kept Paul out of prison in Philippi but, instead, God allowed Paul to go to prison so that the jailer could become a believer. God could have kept Jesus from the cross but God let Jesus go, His own Son to suffer and die so that Jesus could become our redeemer. God specializes in turning crucifixions into resurrections. The things we wish most to be removed from our lives are often the very things that God uses to shape us and make us into the believer of characters God wants us to be. God can use our problems for our good. Somebody who would have never turned to God prior to this crisis situation we are in right now, is turning their life to God. We need to remember nothing can happen without God’s permission as we travel along life’s journey. Satan is limited to what God gives him ‘permission’ to do (Job 1:6,12; 2:6). An example of this is in John Chapter 19:11 where Jesus tells Pilate, “You would have no authority against me, if it were not having been given you from above….”. Sometimes God permits things to come into our lives to humble us. It is only when we are thoroughly humbled that we will confess that God is all powerful. Everything in the universe is either caused by God or allowed by God. Nothing ever “just happens” and nothing is caused by someone or something outside of God’s control. Some things God directly causes; other things God allows to happen. God has a way of getting our attention. This Coronavirus that is happening, is part of the working of God’s plan. Though humans have caused it, God has allowed this Coronavirus to come. God will allow this Coronavirus to run its course and will put a stop to it. God will help us through these troubling times. In the end, we would learn a painful and much needed lessons but it will be for our good. Nothing happens anywhere in the universe by accident. There is no such thing as luck or fate or chance. God is at work in all things at all times to accomplish his will in the universe. He does whatever pleases Him. Again, nothing can happen without his permission. God always has the final say. Remember, if you are running low on food supply and even toilet paper, God will supply your needs. May God Bless You All and Be Strong – Pastor, Ronnie Also, Please check out our Spoken Word Archives. |